2023, Volume 7 Special Issue 1
Ms.E.Devisri, N.Lahari chowdary, M.Mahesh Babu, T. Naveen Kumar, E. Purushotham
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07si01.020
A Vehicle security system has become an essential part for all car owners as it ensures safety to their properties. This system is necessary because the Vehicle is an expensive property so the loss due to theft is not compensable. The technologies for car security systems nowadays are evolving very fast each year. These Vehicle security systems almost cover controlling and managing appliances where the safety issue is the top priority. A major problem today for Vehicle owners is that they are in constant fear of having their vehicles stolen from a common parking slot or from outside their home. Initially if we want to start the vehicle, we need to switch ON ignition key then web camera will Activate and recognize the face. Web camera will captures the person face and checks whether the face matches with the authorized person, if it matches then the engine will ON at that time the vibration sensor, GSM and GPS modules will activate. With the help of GPS the location of the vehicle is tracked through the GSM module An SMS is sent to the authorized person of the vehicle along with location. The vibration sensor will do nothing because the data matches. If the captured face will not match with the authorized person then the engine will be in stop condition at that time vibration sensor will vibrates because the data doesn’t match, then GPS will track the location of the vehicle, with the help of GSM module an SMS is sent to the authorized person of the vehicle along with vehicle location. An added feature in our project is there may be a one, two or three authorized persons in a house and more than a two vehicles in a house. So we have taken two members as an authorized person in our data, in an SMS we added owners name and vehicle plate number. If the authorized person is using the vehicle an SMS is sent like (owners name, vehicle plate number by this we can come to know which vehicle is there using, and location of the vehicle). If the unauthorized person tries to use the vehicle an SMS is sent like (“Unauthorized person, location of the vehicle).In this way, the system helps to secure such intelligent vehicles
Page No: 131 - 137
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How to Cite This Article:
Ms.E.Devisri, N.Lahari chowdary, M.Mahesh Babu, T. Naveen Kumar, E. Purushotham
. Face Recognition Based Security System For Vehicles
. ijetms;7(s1):131-137. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07si01.020