2023, Volume 7 Special Issue 1
Ms. T. Anuradha, B. Mounika, M. Neeraja, T. Nikhil, V. Naveen Kumar
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07si01.003
This paper is about an open source SCADA system which is used to monitor different parameters of a solar water pumping system. A prototype built in lab for the overall system is also discussed in this paper. The parameters monitored are Environmental parameters which include temperature, humidity, and Hydro parameters include water level in the water tank and Electrical parameters include Photovoltaic Panel voltage, battery voltage, load current. These parameters are collected by Arduino UNO which acts as a hub for the sensors and then a string of data with information about different parameters measured using sensors is sent through a serial communication Open Source SCADA ThingSpeak is installed. The ThingSpeak identify the parameters sent to it, perform logging and display the data in dashboards. The dashboard has live parameters displayed over it and displays historically logged data of parameters monitored.
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How to Cite This Article:
Ms. T. Anuradha, B. Mounika, M. Neeraja, T. Nikhil, V. Naveen Kumar
. ijetms;7(s1):14-18. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07si01.003