International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

2023, Volume 7 Special Issue 1

Arduino Based Compact Air Quality Monitoring System


Ms.T.Anuradha, V.Supriya Yadav , K. Sindhu, P. Sirisha, G.Sai Karthik Reddy


Air Quality Management refers to protection of Human Health and Environment from the harmful effects of Air Pollution. Thus it is important to undertake on-going evaluation on whether air quality goals are being met. Air quality managers use Modeling and other Assessment tools to understand the quality problems. Air Quality Portable Monitoring System easily monitors Air Pollution level in an area. In this project Arduino Open Source electronic platform as core, Sharp GP2Y1010AUOF a Dust sensor as PM2.5 and DHT11 sensors are used to detect Temperature, Humidity, Dust Level in the air within the short span through the data displayed on LCD (16*2) that indicates quality of air we breathe

Page No: 29 - 35


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How to Cite This Article:
Ms.T.Anuradha, V.Supriya Yadav , K. Sindhu, P. Sirisha, G.Sai Karthik Reddy . Arduino Based Compact Air Quality Monitoring System . ijetms;7(s1):29-35. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07si01.005