Impact of Travel Blogs and Vlogs in Social Media on Tourism
Ms. Shreeraksha Shankar, Dr. Hampesh K S
Our travel decisions are driven by our environment and the significant people in our life, from our friends and family to strangers we meet on social media . We tend to think of those we follow as part of our inner circle, as close friends whose opinions we value. For today's travel and tourism sector, the young traveller category is a growing market. Students, in particular, are drawn to the advancement of technology . The availability of a wide range of online sources for vacation destinations has made it easier to find travel information, particularly through Travel Blogs and Vlogs. The focus of the present study is on Travel Blogs and Vlogs as online sources that may impact travel decisions. Its goal is to investigate the characteristics and trustworthiness of Travel Blogs and Vlogs that can influence people's travel decisions.
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How to Cite This Article:
Ms. Shreeraksha Shankar, Dr. Hampesh K S.Impact of Travel Blogs and Vlogs in Social Media on Tourism. ijetms;7(1):16-22. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i01.004