International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

2023, Volume 7 Issue 1

Role of Government and Non-Government Organisations in training the Women Entrepreneurs


Dr. Lakshmi S

DOI: https://doi.org/10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i01.061

Entrepreneurship has been acknowledged to be one of the essential factors which contributes for rapid economic growth in any country. It increases and harnesses the utilisation of natural and human resources for all-round growth of economy. Entrepreneurship development has played a critical role in the economic development of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. On the other hand, inspite of abundant natural and human resources, India still is a poor country facing problems like unemployment, surplus labour, inequality and poverty. Therefore, the key solution to the socio-economic problems in India lies in Gandhiji’s ides of “production by masses instead of mass production.” All women irrespective of their background are potential, the only point is to sharpen their skills and tailor them according to the needs. Based on the entrepreneurship development especially in case of women who have large potential for hard and dedicated work. In the socio- economic background of India empowerment of women is the need of the hour and empowerment without increase in economic power is meaningless. This necessitates highest encouragement need to be given in the society for entrepreneurship development among women, so that they can not only stand economically strong and contribute for family but entire country. The type of training needed to sharpen the skills if offered will make them to be successful entrepreneurs. Keeping the above facts, it was felt necessary to make an empirical study to assess the types of training offered and other related issues.

Page No: 432 - 440


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How to Cite This Article:
Dr. Lakshmi S . Role of Government and Non-Government Organisations in training the Women Entrepreneurs . ijetms;7(1):432-440. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i01.061