2023, Volume 7 Issue 2
An Approach Combining Feature Selection with Machine Learning Techniques for Prediction Reliability and Accuracy in Hepatitis Diagnosis
Prasenjit Maity, Arup Kumar Dey, Krishna Prasad Singha, Dr. Avijit Kumar Chaudhuri,Mrs. Sulekha Das
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i02.023
ABSTRACT Page No: 181 - 194 References:
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Viral hepatitis is the inflammation and damage of liver cells due to infection. There are different causes of hepatitis, but the symptoms can be similar. As of 30 June 2022, 473 cases of acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology among children aged 16 years and under have been reported from the World Health Organization European Region. Simply more than (56.7%) of these cases have been reported
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Prasenjit Maity, Arup Kumar Dey, Krishna Prasad Singha, Dr. Avijit Kumar Chaudhuri,Mrs. Sulekha Das
. An Approach Combining Feature Selection with Machine Learning Techniques for Prediction Reliability and Accuracy in Hepatitis Diagnosis
. ijetms;7(2):181-194. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i02.023