2023, Volume 7 Issue 3
Coin Based Mobile Charging System
Dr.S.N.Dhurvey, Nidhi S. Shirbhate, Tanvi M. Jiwane, Saloni B. Badwaik, Achal K. Mokadam, Krutika A.Bele
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i03.022
In the modern communication environment and day-to-day life, mobile phones now play a significant role. The mobile battery charger on coin insertion is described in this paper. When a normal charger is not available, the battery frequently runs out in the middle of a conversation, especially during inopportune times. Mobile battery chargers that use coins are created to address this issue. So this model, totally work and get charged by the solar power, which is to be mainly used at the metro stations by the people who want to connect with someone on urgent basis. After inserting a coin and plugging in a mobile device, the user will receive a micro pulse that will start the charging process. The battery will charge upto 30 minutes in one rupee coin. If the number of rupee is double, then the charging time limit will also get doubled. This small and lightweight solution is made to accommodate the increasing number of mobile users on metro stations and other places around the world. For each controlling application, a suitable microcontroller is programmed. The solar power serves as the source for charging.
Page No: 165 - 174
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How to Cite This Article:
Dr.S.N.Dhurvey, Nidhi S. Shirbhate, Tanvi M. Jiwane, Saloni B. Badwaik, Achal K. Mokadam, Krutika A.Bele
.Coin Based Mobile Charging System
. ijetms;7(3):165-174. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i03.022