International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

2023, Volume 7 Issue 3

Smart Agriculture Fencing Using IOT


Mantasha N., Renuka M.,Suraj B., Vishwajeet C., Chetan K., Dr.Supanna S Shirguppe


This project present the design of Smart agriculture fencing using IOT to tackle the problems of agricultural sector like animals attack. Animals like wild boars, elephant, tiger and monkeys etc. Cause serious damage to crops by animals running over the field and trampling over the crops. In the crop fields trespassing by animals leads to destruction of crops. The implementation of an IoT-based smart agriculture fencing system for protecting crops against wild animals. The data collected by these sensors is processed using a microcontroller, and the farmer is alerted in real-time via a mobile application or SMS. The system also includes a deterrent sounds to scare away the animals. Overall, the smart agriculture fencing system offers a reliable and efficient solution to prevent crop damage caused by wild animals.

Page No: 426 - 430


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How to Cite This Article:
Mantasha N., Renuka M.,Suraj B., Vishwajeet C., Chetan K., Dr.Supanna S Shirguppe .Smart Agriculture Fencing Using IOT . ijetms;7(3):426-430. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i03.54