International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

2023, Volume 7 Issue 5



Ram Krishan Kumar, Jayanti choudhary


We know that large-scale wind farms are commonly integrated with long-distance transmission systems. This paper is about doubly-fed induction generators with wind farm systems and the access point voltage of doubly-fed induction generators undergoes a stability problem, due to the variation in speed of the wind. Hence, the reactive power capability of the wind farm and the reactive power demand of the system are studied with the help of decoupled controllable control, maintaining the access point voltage irrespective of the variations in the speed of the wind.

Page No: 196 - 203


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  14. How to Cite This Article:
    Ram Krishan Kumar, Jayanti choudhary . ACTIVE VOLTAGE CONTROL OF DFIG BASED ON WIND FARM POWER SYSTEM . ijetms;7(5):196-203. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i05.023