International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

2023, Volume 7 Issue 5

Automated Rover For Agriculture and Field Management


Sunil Yadav, Dr. Munindra Kumar Singh, Pankaj Kumar


Modern software and communication technology have significantly advanced agriculture. This entails integrating automated technology into field monitoring and agriculture. We introduce our device, the Automated Rover for Agriculture and Field Management, to improve automation in agriculture. Using leaf colour as a gauge, this product primarily aids in determining soil quality and plant health. This tool analyses the field conditions, such as soil moisture, temperature, and humidity, and it also detects the environment, such as rainfall, and the field's objects. Introducing IOT and an Android application to operate the product is necessary to make this advancement. With the Android app, we can manage this product. By connecting to the rover with IOT Wi-Fi modules, this programme has made additional advancements, fixing the device has a camera, and we can use mobile applications to obtain updates from the camera. To keep the system running, the rover is made up of several sensors and microcontrollers. The Node Microcontroller units are also used to transport the signals, and the Arduino Uno is positioned in the centre to transfer 3 inputs and outputs. An LCD display is also included on the product to show several outputs notwithstanding the Android application. This product controls the initial forming and field condition identification phases. The study has also advanced by analysing the plant and providing images of it, particularly of its leaves. Using the colour of the leaves, this aids in analysing the health of the plant. The illness prediction portion of this study is still in its early phases. This product controls the initial forming and field condition identification phases. The study has also advanced by analysing the plant and providing images of it, particularly of its leaves. Using the colour of the leaves, this aids in analysing the health of the plant. The illness prediction portion of this study is still in its early phases. The health of the plant may be inferred from the leaf's colour. The wheels on this item allow it to be transported into the field. It is essential to boosting productivity by using the best agricultural practises and utilising all the available resources.

Page No: 334 - 338


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        How to Cite This Article:
        Jeevananthan P, Dharun P, Gladwin Rheno S J, Jagadeeshwaran S, Jayaprakash S . Automated Rover For Agriculture and Field Management . ijetms;7(5):334-338. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i05.039