Influence Of Patchs Shape On The Radiation Performance a Microstrip Leaky-Wave Antenna
Charmolavy G. L. Nkouka Moukengue, Ronelle Gogom
In this article, we present microstrip leaky wave antennas designed using HFSS software. These microstrip antennas differ in the shape of the patches on the substrate. To this Effect, three shapes have been studied and the analysis of the radiation parameters of these antennas shows that the T-shape patches have low levels of minor's lobes and good the scanning angle in the E- and H-plane compared to the other studied shapes. This study of the influence of the patches shape on the performance of microstrip leaky wave antennas shows the impact on the radiation pattern and directivity of the antenna. Through a comparative study of three patch shapes H, inverted T and L, simulations show that inverted T patches have low the levels of minor’s lobes and good the scanning angle in the E and H planes compared to the other shapes studied. However, the L-shape present a better directivity compared to the other shapes.
Page No: 449 - 454
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How to Cite This Article:
Charmolavy G. L. Nkouka Moukengue, Ronelle Gogom
. ijetms;7(5):449-454. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i05.055