Effect Of The Porosity And Grain Boundary On Li+ And K+ Substituted Nanoporous Ferrite
Aniket Manash, Kumar Harsh, Rakesh Kumar, Prabin Kumar, Saurabh Kumar
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i06.024
In the present research focus has been given to grain boundary defect and nanopores in the splitting of water molecule in alkali modified metal such as potassium and Lithium. The SEM analysis revealed the agglomeration and porous structure. The porosity of magnesium ferrite is found to be 52.2% and it decreases as the dopent is increases in both the cases. In K+ the porosity decreases from 46.6% to 22.9% and in Li+ the porosity decreases from 52.98% to 49.71%. The photoluminescence spectroscopy is used to determine the grain boundary defects present in the prepared samples. Photoluminescence spectroscopy provides verification of the presence of oxygen vacancies and radiative imperfections in the fabricated materials. The photoluminescence (PL) investigations reveal a decrease in oxygen vacancies and other radiative defects as the dopant concentration increases. The present investigation also focuses on the comparison of alkali modified nanoporous ferrite especially lithium and potassium for its application in electronic device especially in Hydroelectric cell.
Page No: 138 - 143
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How to Cite This Article:
Aniket Manash, Kumar Harsh, Rakesh Kumar, Prabin Kumar, Saurabh Kumar
. ijetms;7(6):138-143. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i06.024