International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

2023, Volume 7 Issue 1

Sustainability Certifications for Tourism, Travel and Hospitality (TTH) and the Indian industry response


Freeda Maria Swarna M, Shaheed Khan, Rajesh Nambiar, S. Praveen Kumar

DOI: https://doi.org/10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i01.057

With an intent to raise awareness about the contribution of Sustainable Tourism to Development among the Tourism, Travel and Hospitality stakeholders, the general public, the Governments across levels, the 70 General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) designated 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. The year received another boost in the context of the 2030, Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), wherein the tourism system would usher in a change in business practices, public policies and even consumer behaviour which would make the Tourism sector Sustainable. The following objectives were framed to conduct the study i) to assess the pulse of the Indian Tourism Travel and Hospitality (TTH) with regard to Sustainability certifications, ii) to collate and assess inputs and data available in the public domain with regard to Sustainability certification, and iii) to find out the opinion of experts who work in the domain of sustainability and certifications. To make the traveller more conscious and make tourism regenerative; the facet of ‘eco-label’ is one of the indicators that helps to quantify sustainable production, sustainable consumption and therefore, sustainable development. Herein, we can say that, “Eco-labelling,” “Eco-Certification” in the Tourism Business would lead to Sustainable Practices which ultimately would become a follow up for good practices, that not only will solve the Environmental issues, but will address the socio-economic and cultural facets. This is true for the simple reason, one in ten jobs globally is in the tourism sector and tourism accounts for ten percent of Global GDP; clearly bringing in concerns for social, economic and environmental sustainability, which will ensure a demand for products and services in the tourism sector which focus on Sustainability. The Indian Tourism Scenario with its multiple players, the large hotel sector with multiple chains, the resorts spread across the country, the Airlines, the Travel Agents, the Tour Operators, the Communities involved in Tourism directly and indirectly at the operational level and the Government at the Federal Level and the State Governments who actually implement the Tourism programs. The Study is part of an ongoing research, which invokes the readiness, or the acceptance, the doubts the Tourism Stakeholders have in India, which would lead to International and National Level Organizations to play a dynamic role to ensure, Sustainability Certifications leading to Sustainable Practices which in turn will ensure the achievement of SDGs, leading to the promise the Nation makes towards Global well-being.

Page No: 390 - 410


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    How to Cite This Article:
    Freeda Maria Swarna M, Shaheed Khan, Rajesh Nambiar, S. Praveen Kumar . Sustainability Certifications for Tourism, Travel and Hospitality (TTH) and the Indian industry response . ijetms;7(1):390-410. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i01.057