International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

2023, Volume 7 Issue 2

Study of dielectric properties of bio-potential for precursory signature of seismic activities


Ravish Sharma,Rudraksh Tiwari, Kash Dev Sharma


Sudden changes occur in the environment due to atmospheric variations (seasonal variations, drought, rainfall, humidity, floods and seismic activities) is a matter of discussion. When the sensing was done by nature and human bodies like mammals, animals and trees adopt the abnormal phenomena in the respect of amplitude enhancement and change the behaviour. The seismogenic ULF emissions, plasma anomalies, ionospheric perturbations and bio-electric potential was affected in respected of surrounding environment and helps us in understanding the mechanism of natural hazards. The bio-potential of the internal medium lies in the scope of -90mV to 40 mV relative to the external medium. We used live sensor for observing the D.C. amplitude enhancement (~50 mV) which helps us in analyzing the precursory signature of seismic activities. We have observed the dielectric properties of live sensor (dielectric constant (ε) and dielectric loss (ε’), relaxation time (τ), impedance (Ω), frequency response (f) and conductivity (σ)) of deep rooted trees. These results have been reported here and trying to observed the change in deep rooted trees before-mid-after the commencement of seismic activity having the energy of the order of (M = 0.08 x 108 ergs/sec.) in the form of electromagnetic waves. Due to this effect the internal structure of tree has been changed and shows a strong resemblance between them. We have observed the basic changes in deep rooted trees in the form of change in bio-potential and the results were highlighted the response by analyzing the dielectric properties of the same trees and establishing a profound relation which help us in determining the precursory signature of earthquakes.

Page No: 753 - 761


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How to Cite This Article:
Ravish Sharma,Rudraksh Tiwari, Kash Dev Sharma . Study of dielectric properties of bio-potential for precursory signature of seismic activities . ijetms;7(2):753-761. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i02.081