Wireshark Data Monitoring Using Cloud Computing
Yogesh Desai, Ravi Gorentla, Akash, Shashank, Dr. Pavithra G., Dr. Sindhu Sree M., Dr. T.C.Manjunath, Rajashekher Koyyeda, Aditya T.G.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i03.101
Wireshark data monitoring using cloud computing concepts are presented in this paper. In the modern world, effective data monitoring is crucial in ensuring data security, compliance, and efficiency in any organization. However, conventional data monitoring methods are becoming inefficient and challenging to manage due to the increasing complexity of network infrastructures and the vast amounts of data generated. Cloud computing provides a promising solution to this problem by offering scalable and flexible resources that can handle large data volumes. This study presents an investigation into wireshark data monitoring using cloud computing. The proposed system captures network traffic using wireshark and sends the data to the cloud for processing and analysis. The cloud-based system facilitates real-time monitoring, data storage, and analysis, enabling network administrators to detect and resolve issues efficiently. The system architecture is designed to be scalable and flexible, making it adaptable to changing network requirements. Results show that the proposed system is effective in monitoring network traffic and can help organizations achieve a more secure and efficient data monitoring system. The work done & presented in this paper is the result of the mini-project work that has been done by the first sem engineering students of the college and as such there is little novelty in it and the references are being taken from various sources from the internet, the paper is being written by the students to test their writing skills in the starting of their engineering career and also to test the presentation skills during their mini-project presentation. The work done & presented in this paper is the report of the assignment / alternate assessment tool as a part and parcel of the academic assignment of the first year subject on nanotechnology & IoT.
Page No: 645 - 648
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How to Cite This Article:
Yogesh Desai, Ravi Gorentla, Akash, Shashank, Dr. Pavithra G., Dr. Sindhu Sree M., Dr. T.C.Manjunath, Rajashekher Koyyeda, Aditya T.G.
.Wireshark Data Monitoring Using Cloud Computing
. ijetms;7(3):645-648. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i03.101