International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

2023, Volume 7 Issue 3

Different Current Commutation of Three-Phase AC-to-DC Matrix Rectifiers Using Space Vector Modulation


S.Singh, M.Gautam


Matrix converter is emerging to be an alternative topology for power converters, drive by persistent cost reduction of silicon devices and the development of reverse blocking IGBTs. One of the major obstacles towards commercial acceptance of this topology has been the commutation of the bi directional switches. A detailed study has been made here to understand the limitations and possible improvement of the existing current commutation techniques in this paper. A universal and synchronous commutation scheme for all the IGBTs is devised so that commutation can smoothly take place as and when required within the minimum possible time depending on the switching time of the IGBT used. The different aspects of this commutation are verified through MATLB simulink. Possibility of step less current commutation is explored.

Page No: 33 - 43


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How to Cite This Article:
S.Singh, M.Gautam .Different Current Commutation of Three-Phase AC-to-DC Matrix Rectifiers Using Space Vector Modulation . ijetms;7(3):33-43. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i03.005