International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

2023, Volume 7 Issue 3

Smart Alarm System with Voice Control


Shree Vaishnavi M.G., Janani Shashi Kumar, Thrisha Karaning, Apoorva N.K., Dr. Pavithra G., Dr. Sindhu Sree M., Dr. T.C.Manjunath, Rajashekher Koyyeda, Aditya T.G.


In this paper, a Smart Alarm System with Voice Control is presented. A Real Time Clock, or RTC, is a type of clock that uses battery power to keep accurate time even when there is no external power source or the microcontroller is reprogrammed. The DS1302 is an RTC that provides accurate measurement of seconds, minutes, hours, date, day of the week, and year, with leap-year compensation up to the year 2100. The Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller board that uses the Microchip ATmega328P microcontroller. It can be programmed to perform various tasks and interface with other hardware components. The Voice Recognition Module is a compact and easy-to-use speaking recognition board that is speaker-dependent and supports up to 80 voice commands. Any sound can be trained as a command, making it useful for voice-controlled applications. Together, these components can be used to build various projects such as voice-controlled clocks, home automation systems, and other projects that require accurate timekeeping and voice recognition capabilities. The work done & presented in this paper is the result of the mini-project work that has been done by the first sem engineering students of the college and as such there is little novelty in it and the references are being taken from various sources from the internet, the paper is being written by the students to test their writing skills in the starting of their engineering career and also to test the presentation skills during their mini-project presentation. The work done & presented in this paper is the report of the assignment / alternate assessment tool as a part and parcel of the academic assignment of the first year subject on nanotechnology & IoT.

Page No: 628 - 631


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  2. Pavithra G., Dr. T. C. Manjunath, “Use of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning with Deep Learning for Glaucoma Detection in Human Eyes & its Real Time Hardware Implementation”, European Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, EJECE, Belgium, Impact Factor 1.89, ISSN 2506-9853, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 5-10, 30 April 2020.
  3. Pavithra G., Dr. T. C. Manjunath, “Early detection of eye disease in humans using Random Forest & HOG concepts”, SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJECE), E-ISSN 2348 – 8549, P-ISSN 2349 – 9184, Seventh Sense Research Group® (SSRG), Impact Factor 2.03, Paper id IJECE-V7I4P102, Vol. 7, Issue 4, pp. 5 – 7, April 2020.
  4. Pavithra G., Dr. T. C. Manjunath, “AI, ML and the Eye Disease Detection”, SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), P-ISSN 2348 - 8387, Seventh Sense Research Group® (SSRG), Impact Factor 2.15, Paper id IJCSE-V7I4P101, Vol. 7, Issue 4, pp. 1 – 3, April 2020.
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  9. Dr. T.C.Manjunath, Arunkumar G., Pavithra G., “Development of swarm intelligence in mobile robotic systems”, Journal of Applied Engg. & Technologies (AET-2014), ISSN : 2278 – 1722, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Apr. 2014, pp. 109-112, Vidyalankar Inst. of Tech., Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

How to Cite This Article:
Shree Vaishnavi M.G., Janani Shashi Kumar, Thrisha Karaning, Apoorva N.K., Dr. Pavithra G., Dr. Sindhu Sree M., Dr. T.C.Manjunath, Rajashekher Koyyeda, Aditya T.G. .Smart Alarm System with Voice Control . ijetms;7(3):628-631. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i03.097