International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

2023, Volume 7 Issue 4

Solar Powered Smart Agriculturing


Ann Susan Moncy, Alkha S Pulickal, Jaseena Jose, Ardra S Krishnan


The greater usage of fossil fuels and increasedcarbon emissions, which hasten their rapid depletion, inducesconsumers to switch to renewable energy. Traditional irrigationtechniques may be expensive or environmentally harmful. Inlight of this, conversion to renewable energy sources, like solarenergy, can resolve this problem. Solar energy is widely usedin a wide range of applications since it is user-friendly andenvironmentally friendly. Yet, many rural areas of India continueto use conventional irrigation systems, such as diesel pumps,for irrigation. They are neither economical nor environmentally favourable. It releases a significant amount of hazardous gases,such as carbon dioxide. Farmers can operate a water pumpeffectively and sustainably by adopting a solar photovoltaic-based water pumping system. With the use of moisture sensors,scientific irrigation methodology is implemented, makingirrigation more efficient. In comparison to current technologies,this system is reliable, economical, and capable of increasingagricultural productivity levels. The requirement for labour is also decreased by irrigation automation and wireless control.In this, a permanent magnet DC (PMDC) motor-drive powersthe water pump. Outside in the field plains, moisture sensorsare being installed to keep track of the wetness in the soil. Themicrocontroller uses the information from the sensors to regulatethe pump’s operation.

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    How to Cite This Article:
    Ann Susan Moncy, Alkha S Pulickal, Jaseena Jose, Ardra S Krishnan .Solar Powered Smart Agriculturing . ijetms;7(3):34-41. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i04.008