International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

2023, Volume 7 Issue 5



Prajwal Uttur, Prof. S J. Sanjay, Dr.C. Shashishekar


This study has taught us how to assess the knee joint using a range of variables, yielding diverse outcomes. Furthermore, it elucidates the importance of the knee joint's stress capacity and the generation of various loading scenarios through these input variables. The primary focus of the research is on static analyses, enabling us to gain insight into knee capacity and the necessary stress conditions, which are vital for our understanding. Additionally, the study delves into the examination of kinematics within the experiment. The findings of the study indicate that mechanical testing methods are employed to assess the current state of the knee implant market.

Page No: 464 - 470


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    How to Cite This Article:
    Prajwal Uttur, Prof. S J. Sanjay, Dr.C. Shashishekar . ijetms;7(5):464-470. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i05.057