International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

2023, Volume 7 Issue 6

Comparative Study on Steel Structure Auditorium Estimation


Sujith P, Surya Prakash R, Venkatesh Prasath K, Anish A, Dr.K.Thirumalai Raja


Construction cost estimation is a critical aspect of project management in the construction industry. Accurate estimation of construction costs, material costs, and labour costs is essential for effective project planning, budgeting, and resource allocation. With the advancement of technology, various software options are available to assist in construction cost estimation, offering different features, advantages, and limitations. In this project report, we have compared different software methods for construction cost estimation, including Microsoft Excel, Estimator 2.0, Primavera P6, and Construction Calculator mobile apps. The report provides an overview of these software options, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages in terms of accuracy, flexibility, efficiency, transparency, customization, collaboration, reporting capabilities, scalability, historical data tracking, user-friendliness, automation, cost-effectiveness, and compatibility. The report also discusses the strengths and limitations of each software option, including potential errors, learning curve, cost of licenses, customization options, updates and maintenance requirements, integration limitations, and platform compatibility. The report concludes by emphasizing the importance of carefully considering the specific needs and requirements of the project and the expertise of the team members when selecting the most suitable software for construction cost estimation.

Page No: 144 - 166


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How to Cite This Article:
Sujith P, Surya Prakash R, Venkatesh Prasath K, Anish A, Dr.K.Thirumalai Raja . ijetms;7(6):144-166. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i06.025