Energy Conservation through BLDC Motor Ceiling Fan in Saranathan College of Engineering: Case Study and Recommendations
P.Sridevi, J. S. Shrina Maggi, D. Abirami, K. Dharshanaa, Q.K. Narmadha, P. Ramesh Babu
Ceiling fans constitute a significant portion of home power consumption, especially in warm-climate developing nations. This research explores a range of solutions to enhance the efficiency of ceiling fans and assesses the global potential for power savings and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions. Leveraging commercially available technologies, it is feasible to achieve a remarkable 60% increase in ceiling fan efficiency. By implementing these efficiency upgrades in all ceiling fans sold by 2025, an impressive 80 TWh/year of electricity could be conserved, leading to the avoidance of 30 million metric tonnes of Carbon Di-oxide emissions worldwide. Additionally, this study investigates the effectiveness of policies and programs such as energy efficiency standards, consumer labelling, and financial incentives in expediting the adoption of energy-efficient ceiling fans. Furthermore, we delve into the advantages of integrating Brushless DC Motors (BLDC) in ceiling fans, where the linear relationships between current-to-torque and voltage-to-rpm offer enhanced energy conservation prospects.
Page No: 553 - 559
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How to Cite This Article:
P.Sridevi, J. S. Shrina Maggi, D. Abirami, K. Dharshanaa, Q.K. Narmadha, P. Ramesh Babu
. Energy Conservation through BLDC Motor Ceiling Fan in Saranathan College of Engineering: Case Study and Recommendations
. ijetms;7(4):553-559. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i04.074