International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

2023, Volume 7 Issue 5

Exploring Word Embeddings for Text Classification: A Comparative Analysis


Satya Mohan Chowdary G, T Ganga Bhavani, D Konda Babu, B Prasanna Rani, K Sireesha


For language tasks like text classification and sequence labeling, word embeddings are essential for providing input characteristics in deep models. There have been many word embedding techniques put out in the past ten years, which can be broadly divided into classic and context-based embeddings. In this study, two encoders—CNN and BiLSTM—are used in a downstream network architecture to analyze both forms of embeddings in the context of text classification. Four benchmarking classification datasets with single-label and multi-label tasks and a range of average sample lengths are selected in order to evaluate the effects of word embeddings on various datasets. CNN routinely beats BiLSTM, especially on datasets that don't take document context into account, according to the evaluation results with confidence intervals. CNN is therefore advised above BiLSTM for datasets involving document categorization where context is less predictive of class membership. Concatenating numerous classic embeddings or growing their size for word embeddings doesn't greatly increase performance, while there are few instances when there are marginal gains. Contrarily, context-based embeddings like ELMo and BERT are investigated, with BERT showing better overall performance, particularly for longer document datasets. On short datasets, both context-based embeddings perform better, but on longer datasets, no significant improvement is seen.In conclusion, this study emphasizes the significance of word embeddings and their impact on downstream tasks, highlighting the advantages of BERT over ELMo, especially for lengthier documents, and CNN over BiLSTM for certain scenarios involving document classification.

Page No: 52 - 66


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  53. How to Cite This Article:
    Satya Mohan Chowdary G, T Ganga Bhavani, D Konda Babu, B Prasanna Rani, K Sireesha . Exploring Word Embeddings for Text Classification: A Comparative Analysis . ijetms;7(5):52-66. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i05.007