International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

2023, Volume 7 Special Issue 1

Design of FIR Filter Based on HDL Coder


Bhavani S, Ganga Bhargavi A, Chinna Reddaiah B, Divya D, Asha A


HDL Coder is a common Verilog code generation tool. An FIR filter is used with basic structure, word length and coefficients is built, and Verilog code is generated by using HDL Coder tool. The result shows that HDL Coder has advantages in consumption in logic elements and pin consumption. Majorly advantange in logical elements consumption. So, power consumption is reduced. Due to this area will be reduced power dissipation also reduced.

Page No: 84 - 86


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How to Cite This Article:
Bhavani S, Ganga Bhargavi A, Chinna Reddaiah B, Divya D, Asha A . Design of FIR Filter Based on HDL Coder . ijetms;7(s1):84-86. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07si01.013