International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences

2023, Volume 7 Issue 4



V.Thogai Vadivu, M.Rajasekar


The electrical grid connects all producing stations to provide customers with uninterruptible electricity. Smart sensors and communication are being combined with the existing grid to mimic the behavior of a smart system as technology advances. This smart grid provides two-way communication between customers and producers. It is a smart network that connects energy generation, transmission, substations, and distribution, among other things. This smart grid provides clean, dependable power at a high transmission efficiency rate. This research proposes a highly efficient smart management system for a smart grid with comprehensive protection. This management system examines and monitors the parameters on a regular basis. This futuristic technology also creates a smart transformer with alternating current and direct current compatibility for self-protection and healing.

Page No: 281 - 292


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How to Cite This Article:
V.Thogai Vadivu, M.Rajasekar . IOT BASED SMART GRID COMMUNICATION WITH TRANSMISSION LINE FAULT IDENTIFICATION . ijetms;7(4):281-292. DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i04.039